Mobile crisis Services

Comprehensive Overview of our Mobile crisis services

Delivering mental health support to crisis-stricken individuals wherever they may be

Mobile Crisis Response provides rapid response, assessment and early intervention to individuals experiencing a behavioral health crisis. This service is provided 23 hours a day, seven days a week.

The purpose of this service includes prevention of acute exacerbation of symptoms, prevention of harm to the individual or others, provision of quality intervention in the least restrictive setting, and development of an immediate plan to maintain safety in order to prevent the need for a higher level of care.

The current code used for Crisis Intervention (H0036) will be replaced by the Mobile Crisis Response service, as this is an enhancement of the current Crisis Intervention service for both youth and adults.

Our scope of work

Qualifications for services

Individuals qualifying for this service must demonstrate a clinical necessity for the service arising from an acute crisis of a psychiatric nature that puts the individual at risk of psychiatric hospitalization. Individuals must meet at least two of the following criteria at the time of admission to the service:

1. Experience difficulty in establishing or maintaining normal interpersonal relationships to such a degree that they are at risk of psychiatric hospitalization, homelessness, or isolation from social supports;

2.Experience difficulty in activities of daily living such as maintaining personal hygiene, preparing food and maintaining adequate nutrition, or managing finances to such a degree that health or safety is jeopardized;

3. Exhibit such inappropriate behavior that immediate interventions documented by mental health, social services, or the judicial system are or have been necessary; or

4. Exhibit difficulty in cognitive ability such that they are unable to recognize personal danger or significantly inappropriate social behavior.


How to Access Our Services

If you or a loved one is in need of mobile crisis service, please contact us directly at 804-308-3403 or by clicking the button below. Our dedicated team is available to guide you through the admission process and begin the journey towards recovery.