Sponsored Residential Services

Comprehensive Overview of our sponsored residential services

To meet each person's needs, ensuring that family support enables them to live their desired life within the community.

Sponsored Placement/Sponsored Residential offers a continuous (up to 23 hours per day, 7 days a week) service.  Up to two individuals live in the home of a professional service provider and become an integrated part of the family. The sponsored providers provide most of the needed services.  They may also hire other trained and certified workers to assist them with providing support. 

In this service, the goal is to help each individual with developmental disabilities find a mutual match with a sponsor family.  The intent of this service is to offer personalized services that will address the unique needs of each person so that the natural supports of a family will allow the person to live the life they desire in the community.

Our scope of work

Sponsored Residential Homes

Therapeutic Application Practice, LLC shall provide Sponsored Residential Home Services for adult individuals who are diagnosed with a developmental and Intellectual Disability. Services are designed to provide alternative residential living that focuses on a more individualized plan of quality services. Individuals will receive services that are provided in a natural family environment and offer more individual choices, more individualized attention to their service needs; more variety and opportunity of community inclusion and a consistent staffing plan that will improve the consistency of service delivery.

Support is available to individuals, ages 18 and above, that meet the level of functioning eligibility criteria in two or more of the following areas:

  • Health and safety
  • Communication
  • Task learning
  • Personal care
  • Mobility
  • Behavior management
  • Community living skills
  • Finance management
  • Medication management


For more information, email [email protected] or call (804) 308-3403.

Services Provided

Emphasizing a home-like environment that supports family-style living and close-knit relationships.

Individuals become a part of a natural family setting and their opportunities for learning are more individualized.

Individuals receive training and assistance in an environment that is more natural and inclusive with a consistent service approach, which enhances each individual’s ability to learn.

The staffing plan is based on an individual model instead of a group home model which provides a staff / resident ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 and the implementation of services is more consistent.

Participants identify daily with the same staff instead of seeing various staff in a week. The atmosphere for learning is less rigid and more relaxed and flexible.

Services are offered in a variety of daily living such as personal care, socialization, communication, community integration, behavior management, health, safety, decision making, problem solving, making informed choices and other personal development skills.

How to Access Our Services

If you or a loved one is in need of Sponsored Residential Service, please contact us directly at 804-308-3403 or by clicking the button below. Our dedicated team is available to guide you through the admission process and begin the journey towards recovery.